气泡袋****【强辉鑫】与你一起分享包装行业中的**术语“英语”: The first brand of bubble bag qianghui Xin [] and to share with you the "English terms in packaging industry": 1.PO袋英文:PO bag 2.PE袋英文:PE bag 3.气泡袋英文:bubble pack 4.气泡卷英文:Bubble wrap 5.气泡膜英文:Bubble film 6.珍珠棉英文:pearl wool 7.风琴袋英文:bellows pocket 8.铝箔袋英文:Aluminum foil bag 9.屏蔽袋英文:Shielding bag 10.拉伸膜英文:Stretch film 11.PE骨袋英文:PE bone bag 12.PE平口袋英文:PE flat bag 13.气泡四方袋英文:Bubble square bag 14.防静电气泡袋英文:Anti static bubble bag 15.LED日光灯气泡袋:LED fluorescent lamp bubble bag